Zócalo, Mexico City Live Cam

7526 votes, My vote:5
Webcam is working
Country:Country flag of Mexico
Broadcast update date:11.04.2024
Webcam check date:23.04.2024
Tuesday April 23
Clear sky
Local time

Zócalo, Mexico City

The Live Cam shows Zócalo, Mexico City in real time. It is located in Mexico City, Mexico. Before your trip, you can always watch the online webcam of Zócalo, Mexico City and get the most up-to-date information about what is happening here. You have the opportunity to find out the current Zócalo, Mexico City weather forecast in our interactive weather widget and choose the appropriate clothes if you want to visit this place and if you do not have the opportunity to visit it, you can always watch online webcam and immerse yourself in what is happening without leaving the house. In this online broadcast you can also watch traffic, monuments, city views.

Zócalo, Mexico City in Mexico City is quite a popular place and many of our users rated the webcam with online broadcast 4 points.

The Mexico is very diverse and there are a huge number of places that I would like to visit, and Zócalo, Mexico City in Mexico City is undoubtedly one of them!

Zócalo, Mexico City live webcam is located in -06:00 time zone. Located 2,240 metres above sea level, in the central-south area of the national territory, the capital Mexico City, also known as City of Mexico (Ciudad de México), is not only the country’s most populated city, but also the oldest capital and one of the main financial hubs in the American continent (Santa Fe is one of the city’s most important business districts). Its UNESCO World Heritage Site city centre, full of historic buildings, contrasts with the ultramodern architecture of the Museo Soumaya, for instance.


Avatar of Julia Fox
Julia Fox
00:00 00.00.2022
The square is just huge!
Avatar of restLife
00:00 00.00.2022
What a pleasure to watch.
Avatar of Sean King
Sean King
00:00 00.00.2022
Dreams Come True
Avatar of Naty123
00:00 00.00.2022
Not bad view