Liana hotel, Crimea Live Cam

Liana hotel, Crimea Live Cam
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Broadcast update date:11.02.2024
Webcam check date:22.10.2024

Liana hotel, Crimea

Live webcam shows a view of the swimming pool of the hotel «Liana» in Crimea in Evpatoria city in real time. Swimming pool - heated, year-round with a water temperature of +26°C, is located in the inner courtyard of the hotel. And the hotel «Liana» is located on the coast of the Black Sea in the heart of the resort town near the Frunze Park. Hotel address: Russia, Crimea, Evpatoria city, Kositsky Street, 5. The pool is allowed at any time of the day.

A real-time webcam allows you to observe how aqua aerobics classes are held daily for those who like active leisure in the pool, where the rest get a charge of cheerfulness and positive for the whole day. Online camera is available 24/7.


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