Osprey Nest, Satakunta, Finland Live Cam

Osprey Nest, Satakunta, Finland Live Cam
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Broadcast update date:11.02.2024
Webcam check date:23.10.2024

Osprey Nest, Satakunta, Finland

Live webcam shows the nest of a pair of osprey in the north of the Satakunta region in Finland. The camera provides an opportunity to see the life of wild birds in their natural habitat in real time. The birds are named Ossi (male with a ring on the right paw) and Alma (female).

Broadcast from the webcam at the osprey nest in Satakunta region is carried out in real time in Full HD high definition. The video player allows you to rewind the broadcast 12 hours ago, and also switch to another live cam installed near this osprey nest (you can change the angle of the webcam in the lower right corner of the player).


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