Owl nest, Bubo, Latvia Live Cam

Owl nest, Bubo, Latvia Live Cam
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Broadcast update date:11.02.2024
Webcam check date:22.10.2024

Owl nest, Bubo, Latvia

Live webcam shows the Bubo owl's nest in real time. The camera is mounted high on a tree in a real wild forest in Latvia and allows you to observe the life of an eagle owl in its real living conditions. Common eagle owl is a bird of prey from the family of owls, one of the largest representatives of the order of owls.

The owl's diet is hares, rodents, hedgehogs, crows, waterfowl and chicken birds, as well as many other vertebrates. Therefore, be prepared to see in the nest a trophies from the hunt of this bird of prey.

Live broadcast from the camera at the Bubo Owl’s nest is carried out around the clock in real time in high quality Full HD format with sound. In the dark, the image becomes black and white. The webcam player allows you to rewind the broadcast up to 12 hours ago.


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