Black Storks nest, Sigulda County Live Cam

Black Storks nest, Sigulda County Live Cam
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Broadcast update date:11.02.2024
Webcam check date:23.10.2024

Black Storks nest, Sigulda County

The nest of the Black stork is located in the middle part of Latvia in Sigulda County. It was discovered two years ago, but the breeding area was known already since 1982. In 2005 the previous nest was predated by a marten, and, most likely, birds moved to the current nest afterwards. This nest has been built in a pine on the branch 1.8 m from the trunk. It is located in boreal pine-spruce forest of an age between 150 and 200 years. In 2017 a trail camera was installed at the nest. Four nestlings hatched and three of them fledged; the last fledgeling left the nest late in the season - on September 6, presumably due to belated start of breeding.


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