Gray heron nest, Estonia Live Cam

Gray heron nest, Estonia Live Cam
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Broadcast update date:11.02.2024
Webcam check date:23.10.2024

Gray heron nest, Estonia

Live webcam shows a gray heron nest in Estonia in real time. The camera is sometimes controlled by operator, which shows all the fun that happens in the nest and around it. The gray heron is a long-legged, long-necked bird, gray in color from the top and white from below, with inclusions of black color, with a long sharp beak.

The habitat of gray heron covers a significant part of Eurasia and Africa. Gray heron feeds exclusively on animal food. The basis of its diet is fish, but the heron eats also frogs, various small mammals, reptiles, tadpoles, insects.

The gray heron usually nests in groups, or colonies. Therefore, several nests of the gray heron can be seen on the video from this web camera.


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