Far Eastern storks nest on a birch, Berezovsky Live Cam

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Broadcast update date:19.03.2024
Webcam check date:13.03.2025

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Live webcam shows a nest of a Far Eastern stork on a birch in the Berezovsky reserve. The camera allows you to monitor the life of Far Eastern storks in real time. Beryozovsky reserve is located near the village of Berezovka in the Ivanovo district of the Amur region of Russia.

Broadcast conducted from March 30, 2019. The video surveillance project on the life of Far Eastern storks was implemented by the Public Ecological Organization of the AOOEO «AmurSoES» with the support of WWF-Russia.

Live broadcast from the online webcam at the nest of a Far Eastern stork is carried out around the clock.


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