Live Cams in Aleppo

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Aleppo, Syria

Online Aleppo webcams in realtime. First shown popular webcams. Aleppo — Syria's largest city and the center of the same name, the most populated governorates of the country. Aleppo is also one of the largest cities in the Levant. For centuries, Aleppo was the largest city in the Greater Syria and the third largest in the Ottoman Empire after Constantinople and Cairo.Located in the northern part of Syria, between the Orontes and the Euphrates, on the steppe river Quake Lake, at the northwest foot of a barren hill in a wide valley, surrounded on all sides by high limestone walls, at a height of 380 meters in three hundred and fifty kilometers to the north-east of Damascus.Some live webcams can be viewed with sound. When viewing, consider the fact that the sound in the broadcast can be turned on by default.#Aleppo, #webcams