Live Cams in Central District

Central District, Russia

Live webcams in Central District of Togliatti. First shown popular webcams. The central district of Togliatti (also known as the «»Old Town») - the administrative district of the city of Togliatti, is located in the center of the city.It borders on the west with Avtozavodsky, and in the southeast with the Komsomolsky districts of the city, separated from them by forest tracts. In the south of the district there is a forest, followed by the Volga River. To the southwest from the main quarters, directly on the bank of the Volga, there is the Portoselok microdistrict, isolated but administratively entering the Central District. This is the only place where the district goes to the shore of the Volga. From the north it borders on the Stavropol District of the Samara Region.Some live webcams can be viewed with sound. When viewing, consider the fact that the sound in the broadcast can be turned on by default.#Central District, #webcams, #live, #Togliatti