Live Cams in Novy Svet

Novy Svet, Russia

Live webcams in Novy Svet, Crimea in real time. First shown popular webcams. Novy Svet is a settlement on the south-eastern coast of Crimea, on the shores of Sudak-Liman Bay (Green Bay). Live webcams of Novy Svet settlement in real time show what is happening in this part of Crimea. Novy Svet is a part of the urban district of Sudak.On the coat of arms of the village one of the palaces of Prince Lev Sergeyevich Golitsyn is depicted. The sights of Novy Svet are also referred to as: The Novy Svet Champagne Wine Factory (founded in 1878), the Museum of the History of Champagne Wines in Golitsyn Estate, the ruins of the Bosporus Fortress and the cave monastery in the surrounding mountains (Vesyoloe Village), the Orthodox Church (St. Luke's Church) , the crypt of Prince Golitsyn, Mount Sokol, Mount Orel (Koba-Kaya), the grotto of Chaliapin (other names: Pop Grotto, Golitsyn Grotto), Groszy Grotto, Green Bay (Novovetskaya), Blue Bay (Robber), Blue Bay (also known as Tsarskaya or Delilimanskaya), cape Kapchik, relic juniper grove, monuments: Prince LS Golitsyn and Nicholas II.Live web cameras of Novy Svet allow you to make a virtual trip to the southeastern part of the Crimean peninsula. You can watch online cameras at any time of the day.Some live webcams can be viewed with sound. When viewing, consider the fact that the sound in the broadcast can be turned on by default.#Novy Svet, #webcams, #live, #real time, #Crimea