Live Cams in Forsand

Forsand, Norway

Live webcams in Forsand village, Norway. First shown popular webcams. Forsand is the administrative centre of Forsand Municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. The village is located along the Hogsfjorden, at the mouth of the 42-kilometre long Lysefjorden, on the southern side of the fjord. The Lysefjord Bridge is located just northeast of Forsand village and it crosses the Lysefjorden, connecting it to the small village of Oanes which sits on the north side of the fjord. The village of Hole is located across the Hogsfjorden to the west. Hole is connected to Forsand-Oanes by a regular ferry connection.Some live webcams can be viewed with sound. When viewing, consider the fact that the sound in the broadcast can be turned on by default.#Forsand, #Norway, #webcams, #live